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Help Make a Difference

Solar facilities often transform under-utilized land into a solar generating facility to meet Texas’ long-term energy needs. In return, landowners receive:


Long-term, dependable lease payments that are often greater than other sources of agricultural revenue. In some cases, we will purchase the property at fair market values.


The ability to maintain land ownership over the long term. At the end of the lease the land can be converted back for agricultural purposes as the solar equipment does not create any negative environmental impacts.


Partnering with Landowners Across Texas

SunGrid Power is looking to partner with landowners throughout Texas who may be interested in leasing or selling their land for the development of a solar facility. SunGrid Power is committed to responsible and sustainable energy development and we work closely with communities to develop facilities that adhere to zoning and aesthetic regulations.

We often partner with landowners to bring value to land that may otherwise be of low value for crops or grazing livestock.  We also work with local farmers to allow sheep to graze our properties to ensure the property continue to provide incremental value to the local community. 

If you are a landowner interested in leasing your land or partnering on a project with SunGrid, please send us an email.

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Common Questions for Landowners

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We are driven by the goal of creating a cleaner, more sustainable world through the development of cost-efficient, solar energy. Help us accelerate North America’s transition to renewable energy!

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